Friday, October 7, 2011

Movin' on up!

Exciting news!
My bestie, Heather, is now my roomie!

After quite a disastrous search for a 3 bedroom house that we can afford,
we found one!
It definitely needs some cleaning, but it will be super cute when finished.

So, upon this major decision... I need to create a budget.
Enter blogging entries....
I'm creating a budget page to track my terrible spending habits.
You will see every penny that I make and where it goes.
I honestly NEED to do this.

I have seen so much success through blogs of other girls tracking their spending habits and becoming more frugal.

Do you have a budget?
How do you stick to it?
I'm going to need some support through this!

1 comment:

  1. I've had to become stricter about spending since I had my son, so I definitely budget! I do a few things to try to save money. First, on payday or a day of your choice, I decide on a menu for the next two weeks (paydays for us are every two weeks so that's why I make my menu that way) Once I make my menu, not only can I make sure that I buy only those specific ingredients (rather than impulse buying which I'm totally guilty of on a number of occasions) but I can also aim to keep any coupons that are geared towards those products. Make use of your weekly shopping ads and if they have it, sign up for their rewards and online programs. Like here, we have Dillons and I signed up online so I can get digital coupons from them on top of their sale items. That saves!

    All saving and spending can get really dull though, so once I formulate my monthly budget, I give the hubs and myself an allowance. It's our fun money to do what we want with and when it's gone, it's gone. We were getting bad about just going out on weekends and dropping money like crazy, but with this way, we manage it better.

    Hope those suggestions help! Good luck!
