Friday, June 17, 2011

Gotta get down on Friday! ... not today?

Sarah and I typically like to start our Friday workdays with a popular little diddy that seemed to hit viral overload.  Yes, the much hated "Friday" by Rebecca Black.  We actually had plans to post the vid on our blogs today to start the weekend.  (Oh, we may or may not secretly be in love with the song, don't hate.)

You HAVE to understand my disappointment when I opened [CNN] to get my morning news fix and I found [THIS]

Here, let me just quote the most important part for you...

"Entertainment Weekly reports that the clip, which had more than 167 million views, has been pulled."

Friday, please don't disappoint me anymore... I don't think I can handle it... I always look forward to you most out of the week.

1 comment:

  1. I like it, just saying... haha. Too sad for words! I guess I'll just have to sing it for you instead :) thank me later
